最小注文数量: 1000 平方メートル
支払い条件:T / T、L / C、Paypal、ウエスタンユニオン
This product Snail repellent copper Tape provides a barrier in areas where snails and slugs intrude. As their slime secretions react with the tape, they receive a mild, but unpleasant sensation. The tape works well in areas prone to infestation, such as greenhouses, raised flower beds, flower boxes, trees, vines, and potted plants. Each pack includes 15 feet of tape.
Directions: Tear off the paper backing from the Copper Tape. Apply to clean, dry surfaces in areas that are prone to slug and snail infestations such as; greenhouse benches, raised flower beds, flower boxes, trees, vines, potted and container plants. Copper Tape may be nailed to wood surfaces if desired. Do not leave gaps in Copper Tape coverage as these pests may find their way through openings not protected. Do not allow plants or other objects to bridge Copper Tape as slugs and snails may cross.
- Slug And Snail Copper Tape Barrier Designed to repel slugs, snails, and act as a barrier to movement into areas you wish to protect from damage.
- This product contains no pesticides.
- This product is easy to apply on clean, dry surfaces such as raised flower beds, flower boxes, trees, vines, potted and container plants.
- Slug and snail copper tape barrier
- Repels slugs and snails with a natural electrical charge
- Acts as a barrier against their movement into areas you wish to protect from damage
- For trees, planters, patio furniture, pet dishes, raised flower and garden beds.
Export standard packing for Slug and Snail Tape Copper Foil Tape. (If customers have special requirements, we also can make accordingly.)
- 競争力のある価格と高品質管理
- 迅速な配達
- 地球にやさしい製品
- さまざまなデザインで
- 少量注文可
- OEM承認済み
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