シールドます。 錫メッキされた銅箔は、硬い状態と柔らかい状態に分けられます。 鉛を含まない純錫メッキ、銅箔は錫メッキ後の耐酸化性、はんだ付け性に優れています。 お客様のご要望に応じて、背圧に敏感な接着剤、導電性接着剤。 200°Cを超える高温に30分間耐えることができ、ガラス錫メッキ銅箔導電線の電気加熱に使用され、銀被覆銅箔導電線の代わりに使用できます。
The advantage of shielding tinned copper foil is that it is not easy to oxidize, has a long service life, and is environmentally friendly
Can withstand high temperature above 200 ° C for 30 minutes
Tinned copper foil, main specifications are 0.05mm, 0.08mm, 0.1mm, available in hard and soft states
Mobile phone, computer, communication, military, medical equipment and other industries, single-sided conductive acrylic adhesive, used for spray protection of communication cabinet tinned copper foil tape.
Used for electromagnetic radiation interference, it has better shielding effect, and has good performance for grounding electrostatic discharge. At the same time, this product is also used for soldering purposes.
材質:CU 99.98%
■接着力:1.5〜1.3kg / 25mm
■ Temperature resistance -10 ℃ --- 120 ℃
■強度4.5〜4.8kg / mm
%〜 3〜4%