3MSJ3442 Chiusura richiudibile a doppia serratura
- Black, interlocking mushroom-shaped heads (170 stem density per square inch) provide strong, reliable and durable fastening that can be opened and closed multiple times
- Mates with Type 250 or Type 400 stem densities to provide different strength combinations
- Non-adhesive back for attachment with hot melt, epoxy or liquid adhesives
- Strong fastener secures with an audible snap, verifying closure
3M SJ3442 Dual Lock Reclosable Fastener
3MSJ3442 Dual Lock Reclosable Fastener is the easy and clear alternative to traditional fastening methods, such as screws, nuts or bolts. It is designed to deliver a durable, reclosable fastening solution, which can be opened and closed multiple times. This fastener is most commonly attached by applying hot melt, epoxy or liquid adhesive.
- Black, interlocking mushroom-shaped heads (170 stem density per square inch) provide strong, reliable and durable fastening that can be opened and closed multiple times
- Mates with Type 250 or Type 400 stem densities to provide different strength combinations
- Non-adhesive back for attachment with hot melt, epoxy or liquid adhesives
- Strong fastener secures with an audible snap, verifying closure
- Un'alternativa a viti e bulloni, questo dispositivo di fissaggio nascosto offre una vestibilità aderente e un aspetto estetico liscio
- Presenta una buona resistenza alla temperatura di 104 ° C (220 ° F), sebbene la resistenza alla temperatura possa cambiare in base all'adesivo utilizzato
- Adatto per interni o esterni.
Se il dispositivo di fissaggio richiudibile a doppia serratura 3MSJ3442 soddisfa le tue esigenze, sii libero di acquistare i prodotti di qualità fabbricati in Cina con i nostri produttori e fornitori professionali in Cina. Siamo dotati di uno stabilimento produttivo al tuo servizio.
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- Alternative to pressure sensitive adhesives
Attribute Name
Tipo adesivo
Non Adhesive
Dual Lock
Closure Life
Engaged Thickness
0.16 Inch
Flame Retardant
Construction, Electronics, Furniture, General Industrial, Medical, Military & Government, MRO, Packaging, Retail, Specialty Vehicle, Transportation
50 Linear Yard
Length (Metric)
45.72 m
Low Profile
Maximum Operating Temperature (Celsius)
93 Degree Celsius
Maximum Operating Temperature (Fahrenheit)
200 Degree Fahrenheit
Product Form
Stem Density
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
See Safety Data Sheet, Regulatory Data Sheet
0.5 Inch, 0.75 Inch, 1 Inch, 2 Inch, 6 Inch
Width (Metric)
12.7 mm, 152.4 mm, 19.05 mm, 25.4 mm, 50.8 mm