uso di nastro in schiuma
xinst28 febbraio 2020
uso di nastro in schiuma
D: Come cambieranno le proprietà del nastro in schiuma in ambienti ad alta e bassa temperatura?
A: Quando la temperatura aumenta, la colla e la schiuma diventeranno più morbide e la forza adesiva diminuirà, ma l'applicabilità sarà migliore. Quando la temperatura si abbassa, il nastro diventa più duro e la forza adesiva aumenta ma l'adesività peggiora. Le prestazioni del nastro torneranno al valore originale quando la temperatura tornerà normale.
D: Come si rimuove una parte dopo che è stata incollata?
A: Generally, this is difficult, except for a short time after it is pasted. Before removing, you need to soak the part to soften the rubber surface, soften it and peel it off or use a knife or other tools to cut the foam. Residues of glue and foam can be easily removed with 3M special cleaners or other solvents.
Q: Can the tape be removed and re-attached after the tape is glued?
A: If the component is only pressed with a light force, it can be removed and re-attached. However, if it is completely compacted, it will be difficult to peel it off. The glue may be stained and the tape needs to be replaced again. If a long time has passed after the component is pasted, it is more difficult to remove, and the entire component is usually replaced.
Q: How long can I remove the release paper before applying the tape?
A: The effect of air on the adhesive is small, but the dust in the air will stain the surface of the adhesive, thereby reducing the tape's properties. Therefore, the shorter the exposure time of the glue in the air, the better. We recommend applying tape immediately after removing the release paper.