Welche Funktionen hat die Autoschutzfolie, die mit einem Spray und einem Wischtuch in 3 Minuten erledigt werden kann?
xinst16. Oktober 2020
As a means of transportation for people, cars generally appear in every family. When people buy a new car, they will immediately think of putting a protective film on the car. Currently, there is a car coating spray on the market that has attracted widespread attention. This kind of car coating spray is waterproof, antifouling and scratch resistant. It can instantly protect the surface of the car with one spray and one wipe for 3 minutes, and the protective film built in this way can last for 6 months. So is the car coating spray good? Is car spray coating really useful? Let's take a look at this black technology protection artifact-XT coating spray.

Das XT-Beschichtungsspray integriert eine Vielzahl von Schutzfunktionen. Mithilfe der Nanoschutz-Ionentechnologie wird auf der Oberfläche einer Vielzahl von Objekten ein lotusartiger hydrophober Film gebildet, der sauren Regen und Schadstoffe blockiert. Der Film ist sehr wasserdicht und wasserdicht. Verunreinigungen, Antibeschlag, Staubschutz und andere Funktionen sowie gute Luftdurchlässigkeit.
Während des Gebrauchs dauert das Sprühen und Abwischen nur 3 Minuten, um einen stabilen wasserdichten Film auf der Oberfläche des Autos zu bilden, so dass das schlammige Wasser direkt heruntergerollt wird, ohne an der Karosserie zu haften. Selbst wenn Sie an einem regnerischen Tag auf einer schlammigen Straße fahren, bleibt das Auto so sauber wie nie zuvor. Unter dieser glatten Oberfläche kann die starke hydrophobe Wirkung zusätzlich zum sofortigen Abwerfen von Staub und schlammigem Wasser verhindern, dass Regenwasser an Regentagen die Karosserie angreift.
In addition to the super waterproof and anti-fouling effects, the unique protective layer of XT coating also has a super anti-scratch effect, allowing the surface of the car to refuse scratches.
In addition, unlike ordinary coatings that can only be used on car paint surfaces, XT coatings can be applied to a variety of different materials and parts to achieve the effects of protection, decontamination and waterproofing, such as car lights, car logos, Tires, interior trim, plastic strips, plastic parts, leather car seat cushions, etc., can be used on any part of the car, and the luster will be restored immediately with one spray. Its unique black technology can make the car look new.
Therefore, I think the car coating spray is good. Spray one spray and one wipe, and it only takes 3 minutes to coat the body with a protective film, so that the gloss and smoothness of the body is close to that of a new car, and it can effectively protect it. The most important thing is to save time. So does this protective film impress you? Of course, the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wisdom. If you have used this car spray coating, you can also leave a message to tell us its advantages and disadvantages.