ለጌጣጌጥ መገልገያ 3M 4930 VHB ቴፕ
Dream, Design, Deliver with our 3M VHB Tape 4930. It is a white, 0.025 in (0.6 mm), general purpose acrylic adhesive with a firm, foam core. It can replace rivets, welds and screws. The fast and easy to use permanent bonding method provides high strength and long-term durability. It offers design flexibility with its viscoelasticity and powerful ability to bond to a variety of surfaces.
3M 4930 VHB Tape For Decorative Appliance
- ፈጣን እና ለአጠቃቀም ቀላል የሆነ የማጣበቅ ዘዴ ከፍተኛ ጥንካሬ እና የረጅም ጊዜ ጥንካሬን ይሰጣል
- በጭራሽ የማይታዩ ማያያዣዎች ገጽታዎችን ለስላሳ ያደርጋቸዋል
- የሜካኒካል ማያያዣዎችን (ሪቭስ ፣ ዌልድስ ፣ ዊልስ) ወይም ፈሳሽ ማጣበቂያዎችን መተካት ይችላል
- White, 0.025 in (0.6 mm), general purpose adhesive and firm acrylic foam core
- ቁፋሮ ፣ መፍጨት ፣ ማጣሪያ ፣ ማጥመጃ ፣ ብየዳ እና ተጓዳኝ ጽዳት ማጽዳት
- በውሃ, በእርጥበት እና በሌሎችም ላይ ዘላቂ ማህተም ይፈጥራል
- ወዲያውኑ አያያዝ ጥንካሬን ለመስጠት በእውቂያ ላይ ግፊት ያላቸው ተለጣፊ ማሰሪያዎችን ይጫኑ
- ቀጫጭን ፣ ቀላል ክብደትን እና ተመሳሳይ ያልሆኑ ቁሳቁሶችን መጠቀም ይፈቅዳል
Dream, Design, Deliver with our 3M 4930 VHB Tape. It is a white, 0.025 in (0.6 mm), general purpose acrylic adhesive with a firm, foam core. It can replace rivets, welds and screws. The fast and easy to use permanent bonding method provides high strength and long-term durability. It offers design flexibility with its viscoelasticity and powerful ability to bond to a variety of surfaces.
Convenience Meets Extreme Bonding Power
Our 3M 4930 VHB Tape consists of a durable acrylic adhesive with viscoelastic properties. This provides an extraordinarily strong double sided foam tape that adheres to a broad range of substrates, including aluminum, stainless steel, galvanized steel, composites, plastics, acrylic, polycarbonate,
ABS and painted or sealed wood and concrete. Our bonding tapes provide excellent shear strength, conformability, surface adhesion and temperature resistance. They are commonly used in applications across a variety of markets including transportation, appliance, electronics, construction, sign and display and general industrial. Reliably bonds a variety of materials with strength and speed for permanent applications.
Dream, Design, Deliver with the 4950 Family of 3M VHB Tapes
3M VHB Tape 4930 is in the 4950 family of 3M VHB Tapes. This family of 3M VHB Tapes utilize a general purpose adhesive on both sides of a firm type foam core. They are specifically designed for good adhesion to metals, glass and other high surface energy materials.
Applications for this tape include stiffener bonding, sealing polycarbonate lens over LCD, windows to painted control panels and mounting vinyl wiring ducts and conduit channels.
- Metal, glass and high surface energy (HSE) substrates
- Decorative material and trim
- Nameplates and logos
- Electronic displays
- Panel to frame
- Stiffener to panel
Product Name
ለጌጣጌጥ መገልገያ 3M 4930 VHB ቴፕ
Adhesive Type
VHB Foam
2cm, 5cm, 8cm, 20cm 30cm 50cm or custom as customer request
ቁፋሮ ፣ መፍጨት ፣ ማጣሪያ ፣ ማጥመጃ ፣ ብየዳ እና ተጓዳኝ ጽዳት ማጽዳት
በውሃ ፣ በእርጥበት እና የበለጠ ላይ ዘላቂ ማህተም ይፈጥራል ፈጣን የግንኙነት ጥንካሬን ለመስጠት በእውቂያ ላይ ተጽዕኖ የሚያሳድሩ የማጣበቂያ ትስስርዎች ቀጫጭን ፣ ቀላል ክብደትን እና ተመሳሳይ ነገሮችን መጠቀምን ይፈቅዳል ፡ |