3 ሜ ፖሊላይድ ፊልም ኤሌክትሪክ ቴፕ 92 ከሲሊኮን ግፊት ስሱ ማጣበቂያ ጋር
የትውልድ ቦታ-ጓንግዶንግ ፣ ቻይና
የምርት ስም: 3M
የሞዴል ቁጥር: 92 #
ተጣባቂ-ቴርሞሴሽን ሲሊኮን
ተለጣፊ ጎን: ነጠላ ጎን
የማጣበቂያ ዓይነት-ግፊት ስሜታዊ ፣ ውሃ ገባሪ
ባህሪ: ፀረ-ተህዋሲያን
ስፋት: 10-305MM
ርዝመት 33 ሚ
መጠን: 0.076mm * 305mm * 33m
ውፍረት: 0.076MM
MOQ: 500
ብራንድ: 3 ሜ
3 ሜ ፖሊላይድ ፊልም ኤሌክትሪክ ቴፕ 92 ከሲሊኮን ግፊት ስሱ ማጣበቂያ ጋር
3M Polyimide Film Electrical Tape 92 is a 1-mil polyimide film backing with silicone adhesive. Its silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive allows it to be used at
356ºF (180ºC), and it is UL 510 Flame Retardant. Like most insulated tapes, from 3M, Tape 92 is available in standard and custom widths and lengths. The
standard length is 36 yards, and can be cut to widths ranging from 1/4” to 23”. Longer lengths up to several times normal length are possible, dependent upon width.
3M Polyimide Film Electrical Tape 92 Features:
♦Powder coating protection
♦Glass sandblasting protection
♦Paint spray protection
♦Ordinary surface protection
♦ Silicone Adhesive Heat Resistant High Temperature Polyimide Tape
♦ High temperature, solvent resistant, stable and reliable
♦ Easy peel off no glue residue
♦ H-class insulation
♦ Suitable for pcb 3d printing and transformer insulation
♦ Strong tensile strength
♦ Offer sheet or roll material or diecut processing.
የእኛ ፋብሪካ ተወዳዳሪ ጥቅሞች
ደህና ውድድር ዋጋዎች እና ከፍተኛ ጥራት ቁጥጥር
ፈጣን አቅርቦት
ለምድር ተስማሚ ምርቶች
በልዩ ልዩ ዲዛይን ውስጥ
አነስተኛ ትዕዛዝ ተቀባይነት አለው
የኦሪጂናል ዕቃ እቃ ተቀባይነት አግኝቷል
የጥቅልል መጠን: 3 ″ ወረቀት ወይም የፕላስቲክ እምብርት ፣ የቴፕ ስፋት 2 ሚሜ -1200 ሚሜ; መደበኛ ስፋት 1200 ሚሜ ፣ መደበኛ ርዝመት 50 ሜ
የኦሪጂናል ዕቃ መጠን: ልዩ ርዝመት ፣ ውፍረት ወይም ውህዶች በደንበኞች ጥያቄ ሊቀርቡ ይችላሉ ፡
፣ በቴፕ ፣ በሰሌዳዎች ወይም ቅርጾች ሊቀርቡ ይችላሉ ፡፡የ CAD ስዕል ብቻ ካቀረቡ እኛ ለእርስዎ ማንኛውንም መጠን ቆርጠን ልንሞት እንችላለ
የመደርደሪያ ሕይወት- የተሻለ አፈፃፀም ለማግኘት ይህንን ምርት
ከ 60 ºC እስከ 80ºF (16 ºC እስከ 27ºC) እና ከዋናው ካርቶን ውስጥ ከ 40 እስከ 60% RH ያከማቹ
3M ፖሊቲሚድ ፊልም ኤሌክትሪክ ቴፕ 92 ከሲሊኮን ግፊት ጋር ተጋላጭነት ያለው ሙጫ ካለዎት እባክዎን በቻይና ውስጥ ከሙያዊ አምራቾቻችን እና አቅራቢዎች ጋር በቻይና የተሰሩ ጥራት ያላቸውን ምርቶች ለመግዛት ነፃ ይሁኑ ፡፡ በአገልግሎትዎ አምራች ፋብሪካ ታጥቀናል ፡፡
መተግበሪያ :
3M 92 Tape is used for high-temperature electrical applications in which a tough,
thin insulating material is required for wrapping coils, transformers, capacitors,
wire harnesses, and for anchoring leads / terminal boards. It also is used in
printed circuit board assembly as a wave solder masking tape.
Production name
3M 92 Polyimide Film Adhesive Tapes
Polyimide film + Silicone adhesive |
Adhesion to Steel:
>6N/25mm |
Tensile Strength:
Temperature Resistance:
>50 %
Dielectric Strength:
5,000 volts
It is used as a ground, barrier and phase insulation in high performance torridal coils, high frequency motors. It can be used for end turn bundling and connection insulation in small motors. It is also used for cross-over insulation and out wraps on bobbin wound and form wound coils for large rotating machines to bundle conductors and reinforce insulation and it can also be used as wave solder masking of printed circuit boards.
♦Powder coating protection
♦Glass sandblasting protection ♦Paint spray protection ♦Ordinary surface protection ♦ Silicone Adhesive Heat Resistant High Temperature Polyimide Tape ♦ High temperature, solvent resistant, stable and reliable ♦ Easy peel off no glue residue ♦ H-class insulation ♦ Suitable for pcb 3d printing and transformer insulation ♦ Strong tensile strength ♦ Offer sheet or roll material or diecut processing. |
1.Factory supplier: Factory price polymide tape for 3D printer
2.Competitive price:Factory direct sales, professional production, quality assurance, 3.Perfect service:Delivery in time,and any question will be replied in 24 hours |
Sample provide |
1. We send sample A4 paper size for free
2. Customer shall bear the freight charges 3. Sample and freight charge just a show of your sincerity 4. All sample related cost shall be returned after first deal 5. It is workable to most of our clients Thanks for cooperation |
Sample lead time
L/C, T/T,Western Union,Paypal,Escrew,Ali payment