ለ PCB Solder Masking የፀረ-ስታቲክ ፊልም ፖሊቲማድ ቴፕ 3M5413 ሩባን አምበር ክሌባባን
የምርት ስም: 3M
የሞዴል ቁጥር: 3M 5413
ጎን ነጠላ ባለ
ዓይነት: ግፊት ስሱ
ዲዛይን ማተም: ምንም የህትመት
አጠቃቀም: MASKING
ሚሜ ስፋት 8 ሚሜ / 10 ሚሜ / 15 ሚሜ / 20mm / 30mm ወይም ብጁ
ርዝመት: 33m
ለ PCB Solder Masking የፀረ-ስታቲክ ፖሊቲማድ ፊልም ቴፕ 3M5413 ruban amber klebeband
masking and other high temperature applications. This product is amber colored and 2.7 mil (69 microns) thick Key
Film Polyimide Tape 3M 5413 ባህሪያት
• የሲሊኮን ማጣበቂያ ከፍተኛ የሙቀት መጠን አፈፃፀም ጽዳትን ለማስወገድ የሚረዳውን የማጣበቂያ ማስተላለፍን ለመቀነስ ይረዳል ፣ ከፍተኛ ምርታማነትን ያስገኛል ፡
የእኛ ፋብሪካ ተወዳዳሪ ጥቅሞች
• ለምድር ተስማሚ ምርቶች
• በልዩ ልዩ ዲዛይን ውስጥ
• አነስተኛ ትዕዛዝ ተቀባይነት ያለው
• የኦኤምአይ ተቀባይነት አግኝቷል
Roll Size: 3" paper or plastic core;tape width: 2mm -1200mm; standard width: 1200mm,standard length:50M
OEM Size:Special length, thickness or combinations can be supplied per customer's request.Products can be supplied in roll,
tape,sheets or shapes per customer's request.Only you provide the CAD drawing,we can die cut any size for you.
የመደርደሪያ ሕይወት-የተሻለ አፈፃፀም ለማግኘት ይህንን ምርት
ከ 60 ºC እስከ 80ºF (16 ºC እስከ 27ºC) እና ከዋናው ካርቶን ውስጥ ከ 40 እስከ 60% RH ያከማቹ ፡
3m 5413 polyimide film tape ትግበራ: -
• Mask for protection of gold fingers of printed circuit boards during wave solder or solder dip process.
• Release surface in fabrication of parts cured at elevated temperatures.
high-temperature powder coating, etching,Automotive sensor and manifolds, Insulating circuit boards, Fiber Optics Cable,
protecting sensitive printed circuit board (PCB) components ,Wave soldering during circuit board assembly,and transformer, motor,
coil, capacitor and frequency conversion power supply in electronic industry,and more!
Product Name
3m 5413 polyimide film tape
Polyimide film + Silicone adhesive
Available Color
8mm/10mm/15mm/20mm/30mm or customization
Temperature Resistance:
Adhesion to Steel:
♦High temperature, solvent resistant, stable and reliable
♦ Easy peel off no glue residue ♦ H-class insulation ♦ Suitable for pcb 3d printing and transformer insulation ♦ Strong tensile strength ♦ High insulation, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, low electrolysis, good mechanical properties, abrasion resistance and tear resistance; |
Weather resistant
Weather resistant All kinds of weather condition
For more
For more Please don't hesitate to contact our service.