የፖሮን አረፋ ቴፕ መሞት መቁረጥ
ተያያዙት, ቻይና: አመጣጥ ቦታ
የምርት ስም -Xinst
ሞዴል ቁጥር: የኦሪጂናል
ይዘት: Poron
ባህርይ: - የሙቀት-ተከላካይ
አጠቃቀም-ጭምብል ማጣበቂያ
ተጠባቂ ለጎን: ነጠላ ፊትና
የማጣበቂያ ዓይነት-ግፊት ጥንቃቄ የተሞላበት
ዲዛይን ማተሚያ-ምንም የህትመት
ውፍረት: ማንኛውም
ስፋት: ብጁ መጠን
መጠን ፣ ብጁነት ያለው መጠን
ብጁ አገልግሎት-ማንኛውንም ቅርፅ ይ Cutርጡ
3M Adhesive With Poron Foam Tape Gaskets Description
እኛ በመቁረጥ አገልግሎቶች ላይ ከ 20 ዓመት በላይ ልምዶች 3M ማጣበቂያ የፖሮን የአረፋ ቴፕ Die Cuting Gaskets ሙያዊ ነን ፡፡
የማጣበቂያ 3 ሜ ፖሮን አረፋ ቴፕ gaskets ይሞታሉ የመቁረጥ ባህሪዎች
• Low compression set - PORON cellular urethane has superior resistance to taking a compression set as compared to neoprene sponge or polyethylene foam. Less than 2% at 73°F and less than 10% at 158°F makes PORON an ideal gasketing material for many indoor enclosure applications where dust, light and incidental splash sealing are required.
• Energy absorbing - PORON's ability to absorb mechanical shock vibration combined with its low compression set make it an ideal material for shock isolation of battery compartments and sensitive electronics in hand-held devices.
• Consistent microcellular structure - Fine and consistent open cells make PORON microcellular urethane an ideal dust gasket material, suitable for many cleanroom applications.
• Adhesive backings - PORON readily accepts most of pressure sensitive adhesive offerings. Since PORON does not contain any plasticizers, it does not reduce adhesive shelf-life. The integral skin surface provides a clean, readily bonded surface.
• Thickness options - PORON is available in a wide range of thicknesses. Offers bonded layers to achieve non-standard thicknesses and stacked/bonded assemblies.
• Smooth skin - Most grades of PORON foam are manufactured with a smooth skin on both sides. The supported products have a 1 mil PET film bonded permanently to one side.
ሌሎች ቴፖች የመቁረጥ ምርቶች ይሞታሉ
1) መ cutረጥ 3M, TESA, NITTO ባለ ሁለት ጎን ቴፕ.
2) እንደ የመዳብ ፎይል ፣ conductive foam ፣ conductive ጨርቅ ያሉ የተቆረጡ የ EMI ምርቶች
3) የሞተ የተቆረጠ የፖሊማሚድ ፊልም ፣ ፖሊላይድ ቴፕ
4) የመቁረጥ ፒት / ፖሊመር / ቲሹ ሁለቴ ጎን ቴፕ ፡፡
5) የመቁረጥ የ Acrylic Foam ቴፕ / ቪኤችቢ ቴፕ
6) የሞቱ የተቆረጠ ፒኢ / ፒኢኢ መከላከያ ፊልም
7) የሞቱ ተቆርጦ የሙቀት አማቂዎች ፣ እንደ Thermal Conductive Double side Tape ፣ Thermal conductive የጎማ ንጣፍ።
8) የተቆረጠ ፒኢ አረፋ ፣ ኢቫ አረፋ ፣ ፒዩ አረፋ ፣ ፖሮን አረፋ ፣ ስፖንጅ ፡፡
9) የ OCA ድርብ የጎን ቴፕ መቁረጥ ፡፡
10) የተቆራረጠ የመስታወት ማያ ገጽ መከላከያ ይ cutርጡ
11) እንደ ፒኤቲ / ፒሲ / የወረቀት መለያዎች ያሉ የመቁረጥ ህትመት ተዛማጅ ፕሮጄክቶች
12) ይሞታሉ እንደ ፒሲ ፣ ፒኤቲ ቁሳቁሶች ያሉ ሁሉም ዓይነት የማሸጊያ ጋይቶች ፡፡
3M Adhesive Poron Gaskets Die Cutting Applications:
• Provide sealing and cushioning in thin displays, medical devices, electronic enclosures, and automotive and industrial applications.
• For Sealing, Gasketing, and Cushioning.