መ Cutረጥ መሞትን EMI መከለያ ማስተላለፊያ የአረፋ ማስቀመጫ
Model Number:OEM
ተጠባቂ: አክሬሊክስ
ዓይነት: ግፊት ስሱ
ዲዛይን ማተም: ምንም የህትመት
Material:conduction foam
አጠቃቀም: MASKING
EMI Shielding Conductive Foam Gasket Introduce
Shielding Conductive foam gasket is wrapped on the sponge conductive cloth, after a series of processing, has the good electrical conductivity, surface can be easily fixed in need shielding device with adhesive tape. Have different section shape, installation method, level of UL and shielding effectiveness of shielding materials to choose from.
ዋና መለያ ጸባያት:
Four sides are conductive, wrap with conductive cloth, core black foam doesn't conduct, just stuff. One side is coating with conductive glue.
Surface impedance<= 0.08ohm, with excellent protection performance the same as metal. The core material using PU foam can reduce surface pressure, with excellent resilience. The gasket with smooth and soft conductive fiber so can be adapted to a surface. This gasket is difficult to be fired, you can use it safely.
Widely using for EMI Shielding of OA machine, laptop, pc or computer peripherals.
የማሸጊያ ዝርዝሮች
ለሞቱ መቁረጫ EMI መከለያ አመላካች የአረፋ ማስቀመጫ መደበኛ ማሸጊያ ወደ ውጭ ይላኩ ፡፡ (ደንበኞች ልዩ መስፈርቶች ካሏቸው እኛም እንዲሁ በዚሁ መሠረት ማድረግ እንችላለን)
የእኛ ፋብሪካ ተወዳዳሪ ጥቅሞች
- ደህና ውድድር ዋጋዎች እና ከፍተኛ ጥራት ቁጥጥር
- ፈጣን አቅርቦት
- ለምድር ተስማሚ ምርቶች
- በልዩ ልዩ ዲዛይን ውስጥ
- አነስተኛ ትዕዛዝ ተቀባይነት አለው
- የኦሪጂናል ዕቃ እቃ ተቀባይነት አግኝቷል
ማስታወሻ በቻይና መደበኛ የሙከራ ዘዴ ላይ በዚህ ሰነድ መሠረት የተያዙ ሁሉም መረጃዎች እነሱ አማካይ እሴቶች ናቸው ፣ ለተወሰነ ዓላማ ጥቅም ላይ መዋል የለባቸውም ፡ ሁሉም መግለጫዎች ፣ ቴክኒካዊ መረጃዎች እና የውሳኔ ሃሳቦች በአስተማማኝ ናቸው ብለን ባመንናቸው ፈተናዎች ላይ የተመሰረቱ ናቸው ፣ ግን ደንበኞች የራሳቸውን ምርመራዎች እንዲያደርጉ እና ምርቱ ለተለየ ዓላማ ተስማሚ መሆን አለመሆኑን እንዲወስኑ በጥብቅ እንመክራለን ፡፡
እነዚህ የምርት ባህሪዎች ጠቋሚ ናቸው እናም ሁሉም ምርቶች ከተለዩ የመተግበሪያ መስፈርቶች ጋር እንዲስማሙ ሊበጁ ወይም ሊቀየሩ ይችላሉ። የእርስዎን ልዩ የማመልከቻ ፍላጎቶች ለመወያየት እባክዎ እኛን ያነጋግሩን።
Application Ideas:
- Electrical industry EMI shielding.
- DIY for phone, tablet, pad, latptop.
Bond strength is dependent upon the amount of adhesive-to-surface contact developed. Firm application pressure and moderate heat, from 100°F (38°C) to 130°F (54°C), will assist the adhesive in developing intimate contact with the bonding surface.
To obtain optimum adhesion, the bonding surfaces must be clean, dry and well unified. Some typical surface cleaning solvents are isopropyl alcohol or heptane.
Ideal tape application temperature range is 70°F to 100°F (21°C to 38°C). Initial tape application to surfaces at temperatures below 50°F (10°C) is not recommended because the adhesive becomes too firm to adhere readily. However, once properly applied, low-temperature holding is generally satisfactory.
Heatsink Material | ሲሊኮን |
Color | Blue |
Silicone pad Size | 10mm×10mm×1mm |
Compatible CPU | CPU |
ትግበራ | Processor |
Flame retardancy | 94-V0 |
Temp. | -40C ~ 220C |
Thermal Conductivity | 1.2W ~ 2.0W |
Hardness | 13C ~ 50C |
Voltage Proof | >4KV |
Package Include | 1pcs 100mm×100mm×1mm pads |