PTFE coating with silicone adhesive fabric heat sealing teflon tape insulating tape
Brand Name:Xinst
Model Number:0204
Adhesive: Akriel
gom kant: Double Sided
Adhesive Tipe: druk sensitiewe
ontwerp Drukwerk: Geen drukwerk
Material:Fiberglass Cloth
Feature: hittebestande
gebruik: MASKERING
GROOTTE: Aangepaste
Pasgemaakte diens: Die sny enige vorm
Hoë temperatuur PTFE coating met silikoon kleefstof hitte-verseëling teflon tape isolasieband
Teflonband gebruik 'n hoë gehalte PTFE-lap as die basismateriaal en word deur 'n spesiale proses verwerk om 'n nuwe hoëprestasie, veeldoelige saamgestelde materiaalproduk te vorm. As gevolg van sy uitstekende eienskappe word dit wyd gebruik in papiervervaardiging, voedsel, beskerming van die omgewing, drukwerk en verfwerk, klere, chemikalieë, glas, medisyne, elektronika, isolasie, slypskyfies, masjinerie en ander velde.
PTFE teflonband funksies :
1. Used between low temperature -196℃ and high temperature 300℃, with weather resistance and anti-aging. After practical
application, if placed at a high temperature of 250°C for 200 days, not only the strength will not decrease, but the weight will
not decrease; if placed at a high temperature of 350°C for 120 hours, the weight will only decrease by about 0.6%; It can maintain
the original softness under the ultra-low temperature of -180℃.
2. Non-adhesive: The surface is smooth and it is not easy to
adhere to any substance. It is easy to clean all kinds of oil stains, stains or other attachments attached to its surface; almost
all adhesive substances such as paste, resin, paint, etc. can be easily removed;
3. Chemiese weerstand, korrosieweerstand van
sterk suur, sterk alkali, aqua regia en verskillende organiese oplosmiddels.
4. Geneesmiddelweerstand en nie-toksisiteit. Dit kan byna
alle farmaseutiese items weerstaan.
5. Met 'n hoë isolasieprestasie 6. Anti-ultraviolet en anti-staties. 6. Brand- en vlamvertragend.
7. Maklik om te gebruik en lang lewensduur.
Ons mededingende voordele in die fabriek:
Goed mededingende pryse en hoë kwaliteit beheer Vinnige aflewering Aardvriendelike produkte in 'n verskeidenheid ontwerp Klein bestelling aanvaarbaar OEM aanvaar
Rolgrootte: 3 ″ papier- of plastiekkern; bandbreedte: 2 mm -1200 mm; standaard breedte: 1200mm, standaard lengte: 50M
OEM-grootte : Spesiale lengte, dikte of kombinasies kan per kliënt se versoek verskaf word. Produkte kan per rol, band, velle of vorms per kliënt se versoek verskaf word. Slegs u die CAD-tekening verskaf, kan ons enige grootte vir u afknip.
Houdbaarheid: Om die beste werkverrigting te behaal, gebruik hierdie produk binne 12 maande vanaf afleweringsdatum en bêre dit onder normale omstandighede van 60 ºC tot 80 ºF (16 ºC tot 27 ºC) en 40 tot 60% RH in die oorspronklike karton.
1. LCD, FPC/PCB and other optoelectronic industries 2. Food and medicine packaging industry 3. Plastic bag heat sealing machine, high-speed sealing machine 4. Hot melt glue machine 5. Motor, high and low voltage electrical products, wire and cable insulation protection, battery manufacturing 6. Sewing machine, shoveling machine 7. Rubber plastic roller coating 8. Other places that need high temperature resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and anti-sticking 9. Adhesive tape for tea vacuum machine. Packing machine sealing tape 10. Hardware tools are wrapped and worn.
Die sny-ontwerpe kan gate, vorms, groot lyne bevat (om dit maklik te verwyder) en komplimentêre produkte kan ook opgeneem word.
Met snybande kan u baie tyd bespaar wanneer u kleefband plak en om geld te bespaar vir snye deur sny.
Produk Naam
High temperature PTFE coating with silicone adhesive fabric heat sealing insulating tape
-20°C -280°C
10M each roll or custom as customer request
2cm, 5cm, 8cm, 20cm 30cm 50cm or custom as customer request
1. Used between low temperature -196℃ and high temperature 300℃, with weather resistance and anti-aging. After practical
application, if placed at a high temperature of 250°C for 200 days, not only the strength will not decrease, but the weight will not decrease; if placed at a high temperature of 350°C for 120 hours, the weight will only decrease by about 0.6%; It can maintain the original softness under the ultra-low temperature of -180℃. 2. Non-adhesive: The surface is smooth and it is not easy to adhere to any substance. It is easy to clean all kinds of oil stains, stains or other attachments attached to its surface; almost all adhesive substances such as paste, resin, paint, etc. can be easily removed; 3. Chemical resistance, corrosion resistance of strong acid, strong alkali, aqua regia and various organic solvents. 4. Drug resistance and non-toxicity. It can withstand almost all pharmaceutical items. 5. With high insulation performance 6. Anti-ultraviolet and anti-static. 6. Fire and flame retardant. 7. Easy to use and long service life. |
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