Wat is ETFE-membraanmateriaal en wat kenmerk dit?
xinst16 Mei 2020
ETFE-membraan is 'n alternatiewe materiaal met uitstekende gehalte in deursigtige gebouestruktuur. Deur die jare heen is dit 'n betroubare en ekonomiese dakmateriaal met baie voordele in baie projekte. Die membraan is gemaak van kunsmatige hoë sterkte fluorpolymer (ETFE). Die unieke kleefwerende oppervlak maak dit baie bestand teen vlekke en maklik om skoon te maak. Normale reën kan groot vuilheid verwyder.

etfe membrane has the following characteristics:
1. Resistance to temperature changes, can be directly exposed to the temperature of -200 ℃ -150 ℃;
2. The transmittance of ETFE film can be as high as 95%. The material does not block the transmission of ultraviolet light and other light to ensure sufficient natural light inside the building. Through surface treatment, the translucency of the material can be further reduced to 50%;
3. The unique anti-adhesive surface makes it highly resistant to dirt and easy to clean. Usually the main dirt can be removed by rain;
4. The ETFE film meets B1 and DIN4102 fire rating standards, and will not drip when burned. The thickness is usually 0.05mm to 0.25mm, and the quality of the film is very light, only 0.15kg to 0.35kg per square meter. This characteristic makes it have considerable advantages even in the case of film melting caused by smoke and fire;
5. ETFE film materials are completely recyclable materials, can be reused to produce new membrane materials, or produce other ETFE products after separating impurities, so ETFE membrane construction is safe and environmentally friendly.
6. Corrosion resistance, at the same time, it has the characteristic of strong adhesion to metal e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e78988e69d8331333433623163, which overcomes the non-adhesive defects of PTFE to metal, and its average linear expansion coefficient is close to that of carbon steel ETFE (F-40) has become an ideal composite material with metals, with excellent resistance to negative pressure;
7. The service life of ETFE membrane is at least 25 to 35 years, and it is an ideal material for permanent multi-layer movable roof structure.