Globale epidemie is dringend, motorondernemings skakel oor na ventilators, luukse goedere word verander na ontsmettingsmiddel, beskermende klere
xinst26 Februarie 2020
In die geval van 'n uitbraak kan min lande en streke die tekort aan mediese hulpbronne vryspring. Net soos China's cross-border production of masks staged more than a month ago, motorondernemings in westerse lande onder mediese toerusting oor die grens mediese toerusting soos ventilators begin vervaardig.
Motoronderneming oorgrens-ventilator
Volgens die British Financial Times-verslag het die twee groot Amerikaanse motorreuse GM en Ford op 18 Maart plaaslike tyd verklaar dat hulle met die Withuis onderhandel om fabrieke met geventileerde motor te gebruik om ventilators te maak in reaksie op die groeiende aantal nuwe gevalle van koronêre longontsteking.
A spokesman for GM said that the company's chief executive officer (CEO), Mary Barra, had contacted government authorities on the same day and provided an update on the car companies' shutdown.
Bora het ook gesê dat GM besig is om die Verenigde State te help om 'n oplossing te vind gedurende hierdie moeilike tyd en het saam met Ventec Life Systems gewerk om respiratoriese sorgprodukte, insluitend ventilators, te vervaardig om die nuwe kroonvirus te beveg.
Ventec will use GM's expertise in logistics, procurement and manufacturing to make more ventilators to help save lives.
Ford claims, "We have entered into preliminary negotiations with the US government and are studying feasibility." The company stands ready to help the government overcome the difficulties in any way, and it will support not only the United States, but also the United Kingdom.
Earlier, New York City's Bill de Blasio tweeted that "a ventilator is needed" and hoped that Tes would stretch out a helping hand.
Tesla CEO Musk then responded that he would talk to De Blasio to "understand the potential needs."
Trump het op 22 Maart getwiet dat drie Amerikaanse motorondernemings, Ford, GM en Tesla, sal begin om te help met die vervaardiging van ventilators en ander mediese metaalonderdele om die Amerikaanse gesondheidsorgstelsel te help om die krisis te deurstaan.
Trump's ending is still very Trump: "Come on, depot owners, see how much your conscience!
Volgens The Guardian het die Britse regering op 15 Maart 'n beroep op Britse motorvervaardigers gedoen om oor te skakel na mediese toerusting soos ventilators. Toyota, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar, Land Rover, Honda, Nissan en ander motorondernemings het gesê hulle sal help.
Ferrari and FCA Group also said on the 19th that they are negotiating with the country's largest ventilator manufacturer.