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Motorsegelbedryf onder nuwe infrastruktuur, die elastomeerbedryf benut geleenthede

xinst14 Julie 2020

Sealing strip In recent years, the term "new infrastructure" has become very popular. Compared with the “public railway construction” such as highways and railways, the new infrastructure pays more attention to the use of big data as the core technology element to realize the digital transformation of traditional industries. At the same time, the new infrastructure has also spawned many new industry opportunities.

This year's "two sessions", the new infrastructure was included in the government work report. According to statistics, 22 provinces have launched more than 10,000 projects, and the total investment in new infrastructure has exceeded 33 trillion yuan. Huang Qifan, deputy chairman of the China International Economic Exchange Center, believes that the new infrastructure is the strategic basis for leading China's new technology and industrial revolution, and will generate multiple trillion-level investment directions.

In the "new infrastructure", 5G, big data, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, etc. have become the key content. These are of great significance to the construction of smart cars, smart transportation and smart city related facilities. The application of big data and industrial Internet technology will provide assistance to the innovative business model of the automotive industry and the digital development of manufacturing, and enhance the overall level of digital and intelligent manufacturing in the automotive industry. The advancement of the "new infrastructure" will accelerate the speed of innovation in areas including automotive technology research and development, business models, and production models, and will have a disruptive change in the automotive industry.

According to statistics, auto consumption has accounted for more than a quarter of China's total social retail consumption. So far, my country has been the world's largest automobile consumer for 9 consecutive years. The acceleration of "new infrastructure" has brought new opportunities to the traditional auto industry. As one of the industries with the highest degree of correlation with "new infrastructure", the auto industry is expected to become a new outlet again.

In werklikheid kan dit ook gesien word uit die belangrikste rigtings van nasionale ontwikkeling dat, benewens die intersnitte hoëspoed-spoorweg en inter-stedelike spoorwegvervoer, die oorblywende 5G-infrastruktuur, UHV, laaipale, groot datasentrums, kunsmatige intelligensie, industriële internet, ens., kan deur die motorbedryf geëet word In terme van beleidsdividende is die nuwe energievoertuie wat die land die afgelope paar jaar sterk ontwikkel het, die gewildste hiervan.

Met die ontwikkeling van die hele motorbedryf sal verwante bedrywe in die ooreenstemmende motorbedryfsketting ook bevorder word. Onder die belangrikste eksterne versiering van bedryfsvoertuie, sal die seëlstrook na verwagting ook verbeter word. Daarom is dit die sleutel tot die omliggende bedrywe om 'n stewige grondslag te lê en sy eie produkontwikkeling te versterk.

Motor seëlstroke is een van die belangrikste dele van die motor. Dit het die funksie om verskillende tussenposes en gapings tussen liggaamsdele te vul. Dit het funksies van skokabsorptie, waterdig, stofdig, geluidsisolasie, versiering, ens. Dit kan effektief voorkom dat wind en reën die kajuit binnedring. , En verbeter die gemak van bestuurders en passasiers en beskerm die bak van die motor.

Verseëling is 'n belangrike aanduiding van die kwaliteit van die hele voertuig, en die motor se seëlstrook speel 'n belangrike rol daarin.

There are many types of sealing strips, classified by material, such as TPE, TPV, modified PVC, EPDM rubber, etc. Automobile seals belong to automotive exterior parts, and have basic performance requirements for product performance: aging resistance, weather resistance, resilience, compression permanent deformation resistance, high and low temperature resistance, etc.

There are many sealing strips used on the whole automobile, mainly including front and rear windows, door seals, door glass guide groove seals, sunroof seals, roof cover seals, trunk seals, etc. Sealing strips are used wherever body sheet metal or sheet metal and glass need to be combined.

Vulcanized rubber seal

Die algemene rubbermateriaal is EPDM, wat uitstekende omvattende werkverrigting, uitstekende weerbestandheid, hoë en lae temperatuurbestandheid het, en uitstekende chemiese weerstand, klein relatiewe digtheid en uitstekende prestasie in alle opsigte. Die tekortkominge word erken deur buitelandse maatskappye en kan nie herwin word nie.

TPV seëlstrook

Dit het die uitstekende eienskappe van rubber en plastiek, en kan herwin en hergebruik word. Dit is soortgelyk aan die verwerking van plastiek. Dit het goeie weerstand teen hitte, koue, lae digtheid en oplosmiddels. Dit is soortgelyk aan neopreenrubber.

TPE seëlstrook

It is usually blended and modified with SEBS as the base material, and is usually used in doors, windows, furniture, automobiles, household appliances and so on. With the improvement of people's living standards and the pursuit of quality of life, the importance of the appearance, environmental protection and comfort of the sealing strip is increasingly prominent. TPE sealing strip has the following characteristics:

1. Omgewingsvriendelik en reukloos, en voldoen aan die vereistes vir die beskerming van die omgewing, soos REACH en ROHS, en produkte kan herwin word;

2. Klein digtheid, gelykstaande aan ongeveer 67% van die EPDM seëls;

3. Goeie verouderingsweerstand en goeie veerkragtigheid;

4. Hoë produksiedoeltreffendheid, eenvoudige verwerkingstegnologie, 'n paar keer vinniger as rubber, lae koste en lae omvattende ekonomiese voordele;

Gemodifiseerde PVC-seëlstrook

PVC material is cheap and easy to obtain, with corrosion resistance, wear resistance, acid and alkali resistance and various chemical media, flame resistance, high mechanical strength, the disadvantage is that the plasticizer in the formula is easy to migrate, it becomes hard and brittle with time, and loses its elasticity , Not resistant to aging, poor weather resistance and low temperature performance. Generally dark products. It is suitable for occasions where the illumination is not strong, the temperature change is not big, and the climatic conditions are not bad.

Alhoewel die motor seël slegs 'n klein onderdeel in die motor is, kan dit verseker dat die deur stabiel en swaar is, en dit kan die motor teen weer, stof, hitte en geluid beskerm. Dit het ook 'n dekoratiewe effek op die rand van die deur- en vensterkruising. Wanneer die liggaam gevibreer en gedraai word, kan die seëlstrook ook 'n rol speel in die buffer, skokabsorbering en die beskerming van die glas. Daar kan gesien word dat enige klein dele wat onopsigtelik is, groot wysheid bevat en gepaard gaan met groot sakegeleenthede.

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