Hoeveel weet u van hoë temperatuurbestande plastiekfilm?
xinst30 Mei 2020
Hoë temperatuurbestande film is 'n soort plastiekfilm. Soos die naam aandui, is die grootste kenmerk van hierdie tipe film die hoë hittebestandheid. Die tradisionele definisie verwys na die hoë temperatuurbestande film met 'n temperatuurweerstand van meer as 200oC, en volgens die hitteweerstandsvlak van die dunfilm-isolerende materiaal, kan die langtermynwerktemperatuur van H-vlak bo 180oC 'n hoë temperatuur genoem word bestand film.

Teflon film, also known as Teflon film, is a polymer obtained by polymerizing tetrafluoroethylene as a monomer. White waxy, translucent, excellent heat resistance, cold resistance, density about 2.2 g / ml, can be used for a long time at -180 ~ 260oC. This material has the characteristics of acid resistance, alkali resistance, and resistance to various organic solvents, and is almost insoluble in all solvents. PTFE has a very low coefficient of friction, so it can be used for lubrication.
The processing technology of PTFE film is complicated, it is made of suspended polytetrafluoroethylene resin by molding, sintering, cooling into a blank, and then turning and rolling. . Non-oriented film calendering is 1.1-1.8 times as semi-oriented film. PTFE film is used for capacitor dielectric, as wire insulation, electrical instrument insulation, and dense gasket. Due to PTFE plastic film ...
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