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Die-sny materiaal | Gedetailleerde uiteensetting van koperfoelieband!

xinst11 Mei 2020

Koperfoelieband is 'n metaalband, wat hoofsaaklik gebruik word vir elektromagnetiese afskerming, elektriese seinafskerming en magnetiese seinafskerming.

Electrical signal shielding mainly depends on the excellent conductivity of copper itself, while magnetic shielding requires the conductive material "nickel" of the copper foil to achieve the role of magnetic shielding, and is therefore widely used in mobile phones, notebook computers and other digital products in.

Slug and Snail repellent copper Tape Copper Foil Tape

Klassifikasie van koperfoelie: Koperfoelie word verdeel in enkelzijdige gom en dubbelzijdige gom.

Die enkelzijdige bedekte koperfolieband is verdeel in enkelgeleier koperfolieband en dubbelgeleier koperfolieband. Enkelgeleierde koperfoelie beteken dat die bedekte oppervlak nie-geleidend is, en slegs die ander kant is kopergeleidend, dit word dus enkelgeleier genoem wat eensydig geleidend is; Dubbelgeleidende koperfoelie beteken dat die rubberbedekte oppervlak geleidend is, en die koper aan die ander kant ook geleidend is. Die snyband word dubbel geleidend genoem, dit wil sê dubbelzijdig geleidend.


Eienskappe van koperfoelieband

Copper foil has low surface oxygen characteristics, can be attached to a variety of different substrates, such as metals, insulating materials, etc., with a wide temperature range. Mainly used in electromagnetic shielding and anti-static, the conductive copper foil is placed on the substrate surface, combined with the metal substrate, has excellent conductivity, and provides the effect of electromagnetic shielding.

The purity of the copper foil is higher than 99.95%, and its function is to eliminate electromagnetic interference (EMI), isolate the electromagnetic waves from harming the human body, and avoid affecting the function without the need of voltage and current.

In addition, It has a good effect on the static discharge after the article is grounded. Its strong adhesive force and good electrical conductivity, we can cut into various specifications according to customer requirements. Copper foil tape is very versatile.


Koper foelie band prestasie

Dit het verskeie eienskappe soos hittebehoud, hitte-isolasie, waterdig, goeie hechting, goeie kouebestandheid, maklik om te skeur, kan elektromagnetiese interferensie (EMI) elimineer, die skade van elektromagnetiese golwe aan die menslike liggaam isoleer en die invloed van spanning vermy of huidige.

It is mainly used in the manufacture of computer monitors, computer peripheral wires and transformers. It is used in the joints of pipelines of central air conditioning pipelines, smoke machines, refrigerators, water heaters, etc., and also used in precision electronic products, computer equipment, wires, and cables Etc. In high frequency transmission, it can isolate electromagnetic wave interference, high temperature resistance to prevent spontaneous combustion.


Algemeen van toepassing op alle soorte elektroniese produkte soos transformators, selfone, rekenaars, PDA's, PDP's, LCD-monitors, notaboekrekenaars, kopieermasjiene, ens., Waar elektromagnetiese afskerming benodig word.

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